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Code vein

| Got this game recently for like 10$, is it any good?

| No, paying for games is retarded

| I played this with steam family sharing thing for free and I still want a refund

| yru 4sk1ng 4ft3r bying&n0t bf0r3 ??!?1?

| >>1002565
I could refund

| If 10 dollars is cheap enough for you that you bought it before wondering if it's good, it'll be good enough for you. Go play it and tell us what you think.

| It's pretty bad, ngl...

| I really liked Code Vein. The character creator is pretty good, and the running through areas was fun (even if I suck at the game).

| Welp I finished it, I'd say it's good for 10 dollars, but wouldn't have been worth the full price not on sale. The story wasn't anything special but was still interesting. Gameplay was fun though a little tedious occasionally in some areas. The game had a nice art style and music was good too. Overall I would say a 7/10

| >>1003023 damn gurl, that was fast. How did you stay awake?

| >>1003338
Coffee and an intense drive to see more of Io's boobs

| >>1003359 she does have really nice boobs...

| >>1003359 booba

| >>1003359
So true, she has glorious knockers

| One of the best character creators I've ever used with one of the most mid games I've ever played attached to it. I've spent more time making stupid goofy ass weirdos in the CC than actually playing the game.

| >>1004001
So true about the character creator, it's one of the best ones I've ever seen before

| >>1003359
Also so true, delicious Io boobs

| I didn't played it yet honestly.. but i gived it to someone.. I'm not sure if it will make her happy or not

| >>1004074
I'm sure she'll appreciate the gift. Who knows? Maybe I'm her!

| >>1004092 i hope.. she is offline now, and your typing style is different so i clearly know that you aren't her

| I played around half of it when it came out before my harddrive died and I lost my save. Was fun. Thinking about trying it again, anyone know if the DLCs are worth it?

| The DLCs arent that worth it from what I remember. Its just a couple forgettable optional dungeons. The big appeal to the DLC packs is the exclusive blood codes but even then the base game blood codes are already pretty good as is.

| >>1004729
Alright, thanks! I'll skip buying the DLCs then

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1708693509

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