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Game Sprite Thread

| Sorry, accidentally killed the last one (I hit delete all posts on a 50k-chan IP address). This was actually a good thread though.

I think there was a mention of Metal Slug and River City Girls. The Momodora series also has some beautiful sprites.

| Id pitch in enter the gungeon. The bosses look great

| If you want some weird sprites, the Darkstalkers character sprites when getting hit are pretty funny

| You forgot elona and play signalis

| The GBA Fire Emblem has the best animation in the series, unmatched up to maybe Engage.

| It's honestly impressive the amount o bullets,stars,explosions etc shumps can show on screen,all while having detailed backgrounds and sprite art for the player and enemy ships. And yet it's still clear to the player what's going on.
like with DDP:DOJ de-saturating it's backgrounds to give contrast to bullet, it also kinda adds the game looking like it's set some ambiguous future industrial maze.
People to who do maximalist art should take note

| Blasphemous

| I have a soft spot for Suikoden I and II personally, the amount of high quality sprites is pretty wild. Not all of them are equal ofc, but just the fact they put over 100 fairly detailed characters with their own animations is pretty insane, and the enemies are no slouch either. Really pretty stuff, it's kinda not unlike a crazy highly polished RPGM2K game.

| I remember a great few sprinting forums way back

| Idk man Pokemon white is imo peak sprite work

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1708329521

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