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Burg war is over~

| there is 63507 burgs and 66614 angry burgs..

since there is less than 2.2k posts left, there is no chance that would burgs get over angry burgs.. evil lust soul inside us won over morality and justice. 1m post will starting with total angry burg domination and nothing can change it 卐

It was fun fighting with you, i'm going to enjoy eat my burger angry

| shit was so sploosh

| Why so angry?

| Burg will rise once again! Wait and you'll see!

| Nah....They bribed a psychopath who sat for hours and spammed angry burg. Personally, I was too lazy to resist spam.

| >>998201 tbf when i started there was a pretty big majority on burg, i just swung around the other direction

| I stopped spamming burgs when I quit checking in several months ago. Too much pomu and poop for my taste

| I'm not glad to be back

| >>998491 it was part of angry burg operations

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1706765591

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