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Open Threads

| Danger/u/ dying fr this time?
I know it's kinda a meme but almost half the threads on /u/ front page are closed and the other boards only have 1 or 2 threads open. Lowest amount of threads open I've ever seen.
I'm not invested one way or the other. Just observing, I only open this site every now and then

| 22 threads, including this one, open at the time of making this

| By the way, I am Pomu de una famulia nonble Pomulia

| ^ this fr fr

| >>997507 Just came back after a year or so of absence. Good to see we're still stuck on the same ol' jokes

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1706452537

This thread is permanently archived