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Reveal your weight.

| I'm 165 pounds.

| ok fat fuck

| 128

| 69ųg

| My girlfriend is 220.

| What the f/u/ck is a pound? We use kilograms here.

| 87 kg, wanna get back to 70 but I can't play beat saber anymore

| 125

| ITS OVAR 9000 ! ! !

| 59 I was 54 before covid ;-;

| 60kg.

| 182lbs

| 70 kg, but used to be 75 so some progress being made

| ~90 kg.

| around 97 pounds.

| 187, 6 feet tall

im surprisingly slim but id rather be around 170

| 280 but im 6'4" so I don't look 280

| 158

| 60 kg, 178 cm

| 20 grams

| fat

| cow

| 90 kg 190 cm BEAST

| 180cm and like always on the border to underweight. My doctor got angry so next time I brought two chocolate croissants and ate them in the office to prove I eat enough.

| 180 minimal, muscle bulky not mcdonalds bulky. I work on a farm :)

| Last I checked was around 80kg? Probably a bit less now cause I've been sick a lot, but hopefully not too much less

| I wash myself with a rag on a stick

| 61 kg, 182 cm

| >>995438 based

| 102 pounds

| The only pounds I need are me pounding your mum

| >>995880 hatsune miku

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1705731096

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