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normal h/u/man thread for normal g/u/rls

| I slept for 8 hours and ate a well-balanced meal today!

| You so smart and clever!

| I decided to watch an anime while laying on the couch, warm blankets included. I've drank water throughout the day and I am happy.


| I am so happy for you!
*fucks your mouth*

| Is this thread for h/u/mans or g/u/rls? I'm confused

| For h/u/rls

| I've baked my own bread the last several months!

| >>995445 that sounds fun! is rhere a big difference between furnace types?

| I'm a carbon-based lifeform who enjoys sounds arranged in ways that produce pleasure

| I'm a carbon-based lifeform who enjoys sounds arranged in ways that produce pleasure

| >>994819 no real g/u/rl in her sane mind would ever do that.
I can barely get the will and energy to get out of my bed after 5 hours of idling.

| >>995450 it is pretty fun and even easy once you get used to it! However, I only know 1 type of furnace coz I only hav 1 type of furnc...

| Finally a thread without trannies.

| >>995714 nope! all trannies(epic win)

| >>995714 why are you trainphobic? I love trains!

| I've been taking normal g/u/rl poops all week!

| >>995714
hey, what's wrong with my transmission?! >:(

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1705667502

This thread is permanently archived