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| technology keeps advancing yet all the stoopid newgens literally know less and less bout what the actual fuck they're using all the time

it's legit crazy and worrying

| industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

| Like Rome, had this amazing architecture and build knowledge but after generations those that new how to build and maintain that stuff died out with nobody learning thier crafts.

| BREAKING NEWS: People drive cars without knowing how to create petrol out of oil.
CONSEUQUENCES: Society will end.
THE WEST: Fallen

| >>993196 Weird how the reason Rome fell always perfectly fits with the political agenda of the person telling you about it.

| g/u/rl finds out about division of labor on main

| ITT: people forget about the internet archive

| ITT: samefagging OP got fucking rekt

| Ps4 was one of longest console gens.. videogames stopped advancing little.. we did get in point when are games racing about resolution+fps instead "can it run crysis?". Even PC handhelds are a thing, because any simple gaming laptop can run literally anything until release of ps6/xbox se 2

| >>993218 Man who knows nothing about the vast history of the many nations called Rome.

| >>993770 no it wasn't because of gays retard, read more books instead of playing civ and watching shitty military history youtube channels.

| >>9937i it was pingles a hehe da pingles did it dude aaa the peeny pingles roman pingles it happened pingles peingles peeny roman pingles rome ahahahaga hee hee pingle time on romans hoh :d lol the pingles it was really then

| >>704075
i am confuse

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1704848929

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