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I feel like we all should try to bring more kindness to everyone and everything

| Lately I've been realizing that kindness is the virtue I value the most.
Let's all be kinder together!

| fucks your mouth with kindness*

| ( *¯ ³¯*)♡

| Some angry people are just tired and sad. I had a customer apologise to me yesterday because he was very rude before he got his coffee.

| >>992856

Everyone you meet is fighting their own battle and sometimes that mean they lash out or act negatively even though they don't wish to.

| There's a saying that I like. I don't remember where I first heard it but "Don't let shitty people turn you into a shitty person" really resonated with me and made me keep my composure trough hardships and adult bullying.

That being said, you're under to obligation to be kind to assholes or trolls. Just ignore them and use your energy where you see fit. For everyone else; be excellent to eachother.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1704533095

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