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Okay, this is annoying

| Why does my mom have a problem with everything I do?

| After I do something the way I want it to be, she acts all quiet and awkward. And when I talk about it with her, she gets mad and leaves the room. This is really fucking annoying, g/u/r/ls please help...

| Start cutting

| because you live with her

you're either a minor and have to deal with that shit until you can fly free or you need to start looking at other places to live already, but a mother's calcified ways will not change. some people simply cannot be pleased.

good luck but there is no simple answer to this besides passing a nat 20 charisma roll talking to her face to face or saving up to live on your own. ive been there and wish you luck.

| >>992232 fun for all suicidal cool kids, also don't forget our cute hello kitty club

| I'll take boomer parents for $100 Alex

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1704349517

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