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I found a wallet!

| G/u/rls you won't believe this shit, I was just leaving Walgreens and I found a wallet with $500 and two condoms in it in the parking lot. Guess who's buying fumos tonight :3

| Can I have

| Hit send on accident, can I have one of the condoms

| What is the condom's size?

| Is your wallet single

| You should return it

| If you would going to bux games on steam, would you send me steam points? xd

| >>992119 recommend turning in IDs or whatevs no matter the money n all, if it had any documents or anything, nice tho :3 but a lot of places have a way to return something like a lost ID without any questions

| definitely you'd return it, but with the condom used ;))))

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1704469812

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