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gen alpha slang thread

| I have heard my little cousin say "skibidi", "gyatt", "rizzler", and "level 5 ohio". Are there any other slang words that gen alpha uses?

| isn't fanum tax one as well

| I thought it was called degradation.

| wassup

| what the hell does "level 5 ohio" mean?

| >>991272 fuck if i know lmao

| "Level 5" is a high tier of something. Like in the furry chart, wherein level 5 furry would be zoophilia.
Ohio? Because it's a shit state to be in.
This one isn't even hard you retards.
t. a 32 year old waste of space

| >>991288
You sure come of as a bit immature for a 32 year old. Just sayin'

| >>991294 Maturity isn't really a byproduct of age. People should know this by now.

| This thread is so skibidi

| Biboo tax the rizzler

| https://youtube.com/shorts/2zPjpycE5mo?si=IYmR7NKb6BeN5Krj

| you're all so bau bau :3c

| >>991316
sticking out your gyatt for Nerizzler

| cum

| >>991296
Pretty sure there's at least a correlation between maturity and age, but yeah I'm nitpicking here and you're right.

| slatt

| but can they dab on your baes, homeslice?

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1704083906

This thread is permanently archived