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i feel alone

| and lost. even though it's the holidays and im with my family, i still feel lonely and i feel like it's so hard to ask for help or talk to anyone

| Loneliness ain't about there *being* people, g/u/rlie, it's about emotional connection. And no shit you don't have connection with your family, you're on /u/ of all places.
Drop me a throwaway email and I can keep you company if you'd like.

| me too babe

big hug

| Merry Christmas

| Same. All I want is to ditch my friends. It's all so tiresome and exhausting. Can't wait until this shit of a circle implodes so that I can be alone properly without playing a facade

I mean, merry christmas

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1703474494

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