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if you put noodles in soup, is the soup now noodle broth?

| help i had existential thoughts while making ramen

| cute

| not really. noodles are an absorbant and while they output their own aroma it doesnt recieve status of its own broth. you cant really have bread flavoured soup. at least the world doesnt think so. they think it comes in chicken or shrimp flavor. if you consider bread a soup flavor, more power to you. you really are different

| >you cant really have bread flavoured soup
this bitch never had kvass

| So, yeah, that's funny. Hey, you wanna hear something weird? Mrs G/u/rl drinks her kvass with a bowl and spoon and treats it like it's soup.

| I eat kvas with a fork

| i wouldnt want kvas. bread flavored soup sounds plain. there are better options

| bread flavored soup sounds so european lol

| >>990592
You know, I saw someone on the street eating M&Ms with a spoon!

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1703257345

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