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My ex is now dating my friend

| While we were together my ex usted to text a lot with my friend. We broke up because she'd been also texting with other guy about how bad they wanted each other.

Now after a couple of weeks I saw a photo of her with that friend of mine she used to text a lot.
I knew my friend since school until now, our adulthood.

It feels shitty knowing you cannot trust anyone.

| :((

| try being a better partner next time, dummy

| >>990458
why are posts like this so prevalent now. please just go to twitter or somewhere where this needless ire is welcomed and you can have a 3 hour slapfight. i genuinely dont understand what you get out of trying to kick someone while theyre at a low point other than a cheap scoff to yourself before the emptiness returns

| stepping on others will never make your paltry life better

| Have sex and have fun

| >>990463 if a partner leaves you, that means the pain of leaving you is less than the benefits of being alone and/or with the new partner. op will thank me once she gets better. and you my friend, stay mad

| >>990470
none of that was stated, and it's pointless explaining that people cant just "date better people", since betrayal can only exist due to a seemingly good person proving themself otherwise

saying "uhh youre mad" only redoubles that you have a middle school mindset on these issues

| it costs absolutely nothing to be a decent person and try to uplift your peers and it will mame you feel better after the fact, too. i recommend it over this "heh...life sucks ..kiddo..." shtick

| >>990472 it incurs the opportunity cost of not being able to dunk on internet randos. uplifting is wasted effort in cases of people broken enough to make it onto this website. get a therapist instead of an anonymous textboard dummy

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1703112518

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