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where did everyone go

| i missed this thing :( it seems so dead in comparison to how i remember it. what gives!!

| back 2 r3dd!t

| I got a gf so I just make her blush every day instead of shitposting

| Making 50k a month bby

| No one went anywhere. It's still just us 3 and our VPNs, like it's always been

| dead by capcha

| I'm myself feeling really dead cuz of exams session in uni. also still no job, depression, so I don't even have energy to jerk off, not talking about shitposting here.

| I'm feeling like I should touch grass or something but its fucking -10 celsius degrees outside

| >>990445 put on a fucking coat and go touch grass

| >>990445 the grass is cold too u should bring it inside as soon as u can

| touch gay ass instead
its usually hot to the touch

| I came back because Twitter is garbage and musk should swallow a bullet

| >>990486 hope he gives himself acute lead poisoning

| I'm going trough some rough times so I don't feel like I can socialize or post much. Dunno when I'll bounce back to my old self.

| Everyone is in Mexico

| Left for greener pastures

| >>990612
Actually, we're all from the same town in rural Bihar.

| I went to Narnia on vacations, pretty nice place

| aah, narnia is imaginary sweety you can come out the closet now

| Met a cute gurl mhm mhm

| >>990612
Remember that time Moot took all the donation money and fled to Mexico? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1703372750

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