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Needy friends

| has anyone here ever come across a friend that was so needy that you cant even work without them spamming your snapchat and constantly begging for your attention?

i did before i had to tell em off and blocked them

i dont know why some of you fuckers think this is appealing its not even fucking cute. you are basically "restricted" from doing anything with other people because they will whine and shit if you dont include them or instead dedicate your whole fucking day to them

| in the end ill always feel bad for them because they are actually nice to hang out with but even with estabilishing boundaries they got upset as a result

im tired and shoving my ds stylus into my

| I agree with you up until shoving a ds stylus into your something

| i like to imagine op is on the receiving end of the mental health fuckery the g/u/rl who says she can't open up to anybody goes through
danger/u/ lore

also yeah cutting people off is okay and you should be a lot more proactive abt it. mfs out there will take any attention they can get and never be satisfied, fuck them, you don't deserve dealing with that shit

| >i dont know why some of you fuckers think this is appealing
because their selfworth is so low they can't understand any other reason for wanting to spend time w/them than mental illness
not even trolling, this is the entire appeal behind yanderes etc.
god i wish some people were forced into therapy

| >>990417
I thought the point of yandere stuff was that it's a Dom pshc control fantasy
But really I wouldn't know me and my friend and are the opposite where we only message each other when either is starved of social interaction.

| yikes

| As needy person, op hurts me

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1703134406

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