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Tired of Pretending I'm Fine

| I have this friend who's insistent on messaging me daily. I always get back to hkm and play nice. It's not like I'n unhappy with our friendship. I'm happy for it. But there's just shit weighing me down and I try not to bring it up bc he's here to chill. And the one time I did bring everything up I spilled it all at once and he didn't understand anything. I'm just tired.

| :(

sometimes its easier to relay things face to face. do you have anyone you trust in your life like that? if not maybe consider try to collect your thoughts and write it out as like a diary entry or something before you send it to your friend. sometimes ppl dont understand things in the moment very well

i hope you're doing okay

| Stop being a bitch

| try sex

| >And the one time I did bring everything up I spilled it all at once and he didn't understand anything.

you're a retard who purposefully bottles things up and then wonders why people can't process however long a period of emotional turmoil instantaneously
your suffering is self-inflicted and your friend is better than what you deserve

| This site sure is juvenile nowadays...

| >>990047 this

| Skill issue tbh

| I was honest once, now I'm in psychic ward

I would recommend it again 0/10

| >>990051 woah edgelord over here. seems like someone is speaking from experience.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1702985578

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