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Did yoy see Obama?!?!?!?

| He is so black, maybe he is working in a coal mine?

| >>989521 who's Obama?

| Obama? You from 2010?

| Obama X lain collab

| if i see Obama i swear to gee. Oh. Dee. i will rip his pants off.

| i love Obama


| C'mon Obama isn't even that black,he chocky at best


| I miss 2010s politics bring back Obama

| Obama took a MASSIVE shit in front of my door.

| The aboma movie leaving the behind

| *ha, ha, ha,* You mean, the chaos emeralds? You're talking about the chaos emeralds, right? Because, I'VE GOT ONE RIGHT HERE *reporters start screaming and panicking* CHAOS CONTROL!!!!! *12341 dead never forget 1/14/24*

| giw obama was real

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1702835665

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