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what goes well with garlic bread

| this decides my dinner, g/u/rls

| Being nonbinary

| Or is it ace?

| spaghetti

| make some tomator sasuse with the adobo spices

| >>987513 >>987517
These two in combination

| Fruit tea with honey

| Also goes really well with sauced up rice dishes. Some meat/chicken, some mushroom, some onion and some chili in a pan, season with paprika, garlic powder, bit of cayenne, lemon pepper and whatever you feel would go well with it
Mix in some jasmine rice and pour over some bearnaise or chanterelle sauce (lots of other sauce work too ofc)

| any tomatoy pastas byt if ure indecisive its also totally kek on its lonesome tbh

| raw egg

| Thumb tacks and marmite

| >>987513 >>987517 >>987520 muchas gracias

| im with egg anon that person knows watsup. easy to make. highly nutritous

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1701229137

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