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how do i not get harassed online

| whenever people find out i'm not actually a guy ingame i keep getting harrassed by squeakers and NEETs

| this is in siege btw

| sorry to put the burden on you but "people" like that won't stop harassing others until they are dead

| >>987164 quit gaymes and have a family g/u/rl

| >>987166 family having g/u/rls also play games. i play payday with my husband you dork

| Simply put, don't use mics, don't use your voice, try to not write like a g/u/rl, etc
Also consider playing games that are not multiplayer, or multip. Games that don't have nor mics nor chat

| valorant's a little better. siege is maybe the worst game you could play for harassment

| Harrass them back, but harder.
>>987167 what do you think of 3? 2 is my favourite for nostalgic reasons, but I really like the new one as well. :3

| hasn't pd3 been having a bit of matchmaking issues rn?

| I wish I had some real advice but besides making liberal use of the block buttons I'm afraid some guys online are just shitty
And by some I mean a surprising amount

| Learn to not give a fuck

| >>987170

| Have sex and have fun.

| >>987176 didn't find a chance to play 3 yet. 2 is also comforting in that weird jank way, we both know it like the backs of our hands now.

| >>f8c0ed Nothing can be done, the brainless idiots don't understand human language. It was over when their parents didn't teach them how to behave.

| Turn ur screen off nigga

| don't be online = ez

| there's not much to be done except muting and reporting people who harass you. i don't know if there are any girl-only gaming communities that you can hook up with but playing with a squad might deter most haters.

| >>987264 tylerpilled

| >>987170 basically don't be a g/u/rl

| >>987378 kind of, but the other g/u/rls' advice is better, basically getting a thicker skin and adapting to it by not giving a fuck is much better

| Don't be retarded

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1701120558

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