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| That's how u say I love u in Chinese. Wor I(open your mouth) lee.

| 我操你的嘴 is how you say "I will love you until the stars vanish"! Very romantic :3

| きたねえ口閉じろボケ - shut the fuck up in japanese

| 私はあなたの口を性交します - i love you in japanese

| meow meow meow - I love you in cat :3

| meow meow meow - I love you in cat :3

| >>987137 >>987145 >>987159

| >>987213 How's the band going, chummer?

| >>987186 how i say meow meow meow in cat?

| >>987219 impossible

| >>987213 >>987159 おめーらとっとと首吊れよ

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1700867524

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