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it feels so shitty

| to put yourself out there and be left wanting

time and fucking time again :(

| Start cutting

| >>986602
as soon as you give me a deep and detailed demonstration on yourself. im a slow learner though so you'll really wanna keep at it babe

| Start fucking mouths

| >>986602 gurl for the encouragement to work you have to be more persuasive. call op cute when you tell them to get worse, maybe add a <3 in there

| I don't really like humans much, but I also hate being alone, it's so weird. Anyway, I'm sure you'll find someone op, just don't be a horrible person and ppl will come in ur life

| >>986686
thanks. gotta keep on keepin on

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1700365807

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