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Do you have a job?

| If so, what do you do for work and are you enjoying your life?
If not, how you getting by and are you enjoying your life?

| Yeah, I have a job. She's not prestigious, not cool, girls don't jump on me when they find out that I....repair elevators. I can’t say that I’m happy with this work, the main thing is that it brings money. Well, this is useful work and is in demand, so I am not in danger of unemployment.

| Several times now I have seen a post from elevator repair g/u/rl. How long have you been Danger/u/-ing? :3

| Am I enjoying life? Eh..No. Or maybe yes. After all, I continue to live this life, so everything suits me? however, well, it depends on the person, I think. But basically my life is a gray routine, most of which is occupied with work and commuting to work.

| >>985668 relatively recently, a couple of months.

| I'm cutting on cam for 50k a month

| >>985667
hey, fwiw I genuinely think that repairing elevators is cool

| >>985669
I'll take that as a no
Interesting job though

| >>985671
holy fickin basedorino are you the elusive 50k 4chan every1s talkn bout

| >>985674 hah, thx lol. Everything is relative. I think repairing elevators is the golden mean. I’m not a miner, not a cashier, but also not a general manager in a white shirt (although going to the office is boring and stupid)

| N E E T


| I draw blood all day from my cute patients!

| Just got me one!
Fun thing with it though. Got my bachelor's degree, came to a company I've been an intern in during uni, told them that I know Altium Designer and want to do PCB design. They sent me to the section I had internship in. The boss heard about my skills and shrugged, not knowing why he needs me in his section, since they are working in another field. BUT instead of sending me back to the HR they took me in for a probation

| lol

| So, I've got assigned to an FPGA team, know jack shit about it except some basics they taught us in uni. Currently studying this field, there's a lot to catch up to, but I've got a feeling I'll be able to make it. Already got a task, gonna start working on it as soon as I learn enough.

It's only been a few days but currently I like it, especially since I've been thinking about this field for a while now

| >>d8aa54 that's sick g/u/rl! pcb design is prtty fun but usually gets overshadowed in CpE videos by "sexy 3d printing footage"

| >>985728 thanqs g/u/rl

| >>985683
Do you ever get to be on top of the elevators or in the shaft and if so, how often do you pretend you're in an action movie?

| >>985726
Don't know much about that kinda stuff, but I'm glad you get to do something you're excited for! Good luck g/u/rl <3

| yeah im retarded <3

| I go there very often. this is part of my job. But when you ride on the top of elevator, the speed is somewhat slower, for safety. So it's not as spectacular as action movies..But if you lift your head, and there are tens of meters of the elevator shaft above you... It is always impressive.

| >>985748 ah yes. The message above is addressed to you.

| >>985770 do you think about the possibility of being crushed to dead?

| >>985771 Nope. If you follow basic safety precautions, then everything will be fine.

| Job? I don't even have life

| >>985821 okay but like do you fantasize about being crushed in an elevator shaft? Like in a sexual way kind of? Just asking?

| >>985753 thanqs g/u/rl

| >>985854 errhhmm... no? you have a perverted fantasy man..

| I do electrical work for a military contractor. I generally enjoy life.
>in demand
Don't I fucking know it! The elevators break all the fucking time and management drags their feet getting them fixed. You'd think a billion dollar company could keep their elevators in working order.

| >>985892 yeah. I'm on the management side of facilities, and our supply chain is fuarrked. We physically cannot get the parts necessary to fix our elevators/escalators. It doesn't matter how much money we're willing to pay, we literally just cannot get them fast enough. I feel kinda bad for our elevator guy, who just wants to fix things wwww.

| Yes! this is a common problem. What’s a shame is that usually everyone blames the elevator guy for the fact that the elevator doesn’t work. what can I do if, for example, the microcircuit died? give me the details! I'll install them and the elevator will work!

| The second problem, by the way, is the coordination of cash waste. In my practice this has often happened. For example, a common but expensive part broke. the elevator is not working. And it can take...weeks to agree on the allocation of money.

| >>985910
Top kek, what an absolute joke. I can't even be mad, we have a storage repository not 5 minutes down the road and it can take literally months to get anything moved over from there.

Total number of posts: 34, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1700027851

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