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san diego is strange

| I was passing through san diego on a trip to America, and this city feels incredibly off. Despite being surrounded by skyscrapers of housing, there are more homeless people than pedestrians. Even on a saturday night, the only places I saw "filled" downtown were restauraunts.

| This city doesn't make sense. Finding a place to park is a nightmare, the street layouts are confusing at best, the metro goes directly through a busy intersection, grocery stores are nonexistent downtown, and tacos cost $7.50. Who would want to live here?

| do the tacos just cost 7.50 or are they -worth- 7.50

| Everything about san diego (that i've seen) makes it look like an artifical city propped up by fintech and silicon valley startups.

| >>985589 It was a supposedly "famous" taco joint, the avocado filling might be where the cost was from.

| >>985587
Californians are a fucked up breed. I'm not even sure they're human.

| oh and you must be gods perfect human from wherever fuck corner utopia you're from, inb4 youre californian, wrong

| >>985618 Korea is just as dystopian as California, but less expressive in it's depression

| God bless america

| The zoo is nice they're the only one that has platypus outside of Australia

| San Diego is awful, don't go there.


| San Diego Jose de Mierdo

| welcome to omerica, son

| everytime I want to argue with an american I remember I am european and feel like the Boondocks scene where the dude goes "Wait a minute... I'm white!" and walks off laughing.

| Sosan Blyadiego

| >>985587 Most of those skyscrapers aren't even housing, it's all office space that's like 45% vacant.

| But yeah, I'm in norcal and it's not too dissimilar. This state is pretty fucked up lol.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1699990965

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