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Beating human meat

| I am salivating at the thought of beating human meat.
Always did and i always do.

I did my research, and apparently nothing bad really happens when you do it, there are a lot of myths but none of them are real. (except for the meat wich may get sore).

Am i the only g/u/rl here who wants to beat human meat ? Hypothetically of course, but still...

| You mean being like Rocky but punching hooman flesh instead of punching pork?

| I get it! You mean "MASTER-IBERNATION", right? that's totally a thing XD

| Beat my meat pwease uwu

| please punch me <3

| Hey, I beay my meat by myself!

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1699394026

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