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daycare stories!

| >eating lunch with the kids
>one of them runs to the trashcan to throw away their paper plate, then runs back quickly
>i remind the kid not to run
>right as i remind him, one of the other kids says something
>"bro thinks he's flash lol"
>i fuckign collapse into a laughing fit

this kid was 6 lmaoooooo

| Was he Flash though?

| Do kids actually talk like that, in a spoken conversation no less? That's funny

| my guy coworker seems to hate working at the daycare tho (i always see him drinking after work)

| >>984499
Children are horrible little monsters

| just like you were

| >>984652 dude, shut the fuck up

| ahh hell nah there is no way in ohio that kid is rizzing that gyatt kind of skibidi
i hate this generation

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1699488290

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