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Do not come! I'm holding back my power here.

yeas now you just like me, retarded. hehe, how dies that feels like! :^)

| *dies*

| Now I am leaving for no raisin

| *cums*

| im gay and retarded

| >>984284 why say gay twice?

| >>984284 i'm a gay retarded tranny, get diffed

| >>984292 I'm so sorry for your loss

| >>984269 nooooooooooooo

| The same tbh

| >>984296 i friking told ya, you dummy!
>>984307 that's not really what I'd have predicted, did I lacked on my wizard's magic?

| >>984273 you should turn 360 and walk away instead

| *get married beam*

| I came(all over your tits)

| >>984466
No, I'm doesn't.

| >>984551 no me

| >>984579 no u

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1699284070

This thread is permanently archived