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this site is soykaf af

| Stop trying to be like us!

| the what

| >>984191 someone wants a fight between literally who and literally who. don't riddle with their words

| dafuq is a soykaf

| >>984445 lurk moar.

| newfig

| >>984191 >>a7fd6e
Soy coffee. Replacement for word "shit" on lainchan

| >>984516

soykaf has nothing to do with lainchan lmao

| stop roleplaying

| >>984516 what's bad about soy itself?

| >>984578 muh phytoestrogens (as if imageboard users aren't all replacing their hormones anyway)

| chug flouride and sip bpa, bucko

| >>1b27c6 new schizzo g/u/rl everywhere wth

| >>984691 pretty sure that's 50k-chan.

| it's la personal journalizer. its his duty sworn to write his daily thinkings in textboards xhe finds. xhes from /lounge/

| Soykaf sounds like something Muslim would call nonbelievers

| soykaf sounds like the gay un-alpha offspring of the herd

| >>984445 in lainchan.org there is a word filter that changes shit to soykaf

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1699511638

This thread is permanently archived