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Boring office job

| What do you g/u/rls with office jobs do to pass the time when work is slow? I’m stuck in a cubicle job for another 7 months and curious how others spend time when they’re tired of staring at the computer screen.

| Drugs, jacking off, alcohol

| nothing gurl. just me and the intrusive thoughts for 8 hours

| >>36f108 See that’s what I’ve been trying to avoid

>>8cf248 While I’m definitely a proponent I can’t work remotely so those aren’t options unless I wanna get my ass shitcanned at warp speed

| Ha, office plankton. Normal true men work with their hands. In all senses. In the office you only rot.

| >>983988
You don't even have a job ...

| Minesweeper

| >>983879 reinstall the os on your workstation and make a local admin account, then try to register the pc on your org's network again or wait until someone asks and say idk it was just like this. worked for me :3

| idk get some OL pussy maybe?

| >>983879
I do crossword puzzles sometimes, sometimes I read a book.
Naughty girl.

| Sometimes I play TIS100 and no one questions it because it kinda looks like work

| >>983879
I need to have something going on in the background. If you've got a tough boss, this little game has a "work mode" where the graphics won't show. You also don't need to pay too much attention to it.

| i browse this shit

| Have you tried having sex?

| I usually try and learn new things online. If you've got a lot of time there's some online courses you can find that you might like taking

| >>984046 I've been repairing elevators for 10 years now, lol. I have a job.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1699420374

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