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why people love incest so much

| It is literally against our biology

| Because they either have no siblings and for some stupid reason think incest is hot, or have siblings and are attracted to them and despite social norms, which means they are ought to be forever isolated from the society

| dude i was fuckn following a really cool game called brickbattler and now its cancelled after the main dev was into incest porn. fuck this shit man

| sister mistake affection for love toward her brother in fiction? Yeah, I'm all for it but, if its IRL then yeah fucking disgusting dawg

| Unless you making a cum ice-cream for your sis, that just fucking hot!

| love it in fiction, hate it IRL

| You know what they say,forbidden fruit is sweetest

| *incests your mouth*

| >>983626 Oh hey, I remember that thread. :)

| >>983722 and prim fucked suro too, even time can't unfucked someone

| Because people like thinking about taboo shit. It's literally that simple.

| I don't like cunny/toddler but I spam uooh and crying emoji all the time. Imagine being able to reply with low effort emoticon which doesn't take you 10 second to type but it will piss people off and ruin their day.

| I love sex.

| Andy and leyley reference

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1698950498

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