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holy shit i didnt think 4chan was actually invading lmao


| if you dont post this in 5 other threads all twitter immigrants, /b/tards, zoomers, redditors, soys, /bant/roons, cafe sisters, and fags will invade within 24 hours. im so, so sorry g/u/rl. plz 4give me

| Fuck 4channers and fuck /pol/tards. They have ruined the internet.

| made care and reply. fuck you

| 4chan are pretty comfy tho

| >>9eecd1 no, compared to this board, 4chan is a shithole

| A lot of va11 halla s first fan base actually came from 4снаn because there were posters adverising the game

| >>982738 moving to mootxico

| As an old anon from the 2007 days sad to see how they all became Hal Turner clones under the thrall of Steve Bannon and the heritage foundation. Something about living to become the villain.

Old /b/ would have eaten the far right for breakfast, then the left too, everyone was fair game.

| Seeing old anon once the final boss of the Internet reduced to a lapdog of every boomer Conservative thst tells them to jump is a damn shame.

| If you supported gamergate or not. It's not hard to see 2014 was the final days of old 4chan as we knew it.

| >>7d6289 i know this is a textboard for boomers but you don't need to take pride in having wasted your life on the internet for over 15 years now
never got how "seniority" was a badge of honor

| So leans my body
Towards the comfort of life

Whereever mountains
Ever face
Though only as high

| danger/haiku/

| >>983050
You're missing the point and I don't think his posts were meant to brag. You're not one of those people who purposely misinterpret what people are talking about just so you can rebute with inane statements in a vain attempt to appear smart, are you?

| >>983123 i absolutely am :)

| Yo thread link?

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1698629721

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