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| Tell us your dreams. I find them really interesting. I keep a dream diary but I’ll tell you one later.

| I had weird dream about building fun park (something as Disneyland) from paper.. there was sister helping me to build it.. favourite person was come to visit/help me too~ i wish it was real :( and another part of dream was in elevator in old flat where i lived 10 years earlier before moving.. some guy.. idk him, but he was tall, around 40, with briefcase, glasses and probably stereotypical look of salaryman, but maybe more like businessman, successful person in corporation or so

| He was asking me if i know him, i didn't but he did remember everything about me.. he was looking mad to me from unknown reason.. maybe because i entered back in building without allowance or don't remember him.. he was present himself as leader of "neighborhood owners" or how say it, (in reality it's exists) it's group of owners what meet and tell what they want, as reconstructions, problems with neighbors, suggestions, changes in bank of group account etc.

| Later he wanted to help me about something but I can't remember.. my dream is blank there..

Fuck this telling makes me wish to write favorite person ;-;

| I dreamed that I was saving up points..uh..karma? And then spent it on some lustful acts. It was interesting.

| Had a dream recently that a girl I liked in high school put her head on my shoulder while I was reading something. Very comfy but to be honest I didn't want anything to do with her by the end of high school.

| I dreamt I was diving to the bottom of a lake to retrieve a sunken rowboat and when I looked up I saw TWO FUCKHUGE LEVIATHAN REAPERS circling overhead and I almost shat my pants in fear and awe.

| I had a basket full of kittens and I had to euthanize all of them. But before giving them the needle I had to give them a name.
I cried terribly.

| I forgot everything

| >>982003 i had 2 weeks back weird dream about sit one person on lap and she hugged me behind wtf xd while we was driving high speed in middle of mountains in no known place in Asia

| I was at home with my wife (but we lived in some weird ass place I've never seen before) and I was playing some kinda Fear and Hunger inspired game (same kinda mechanics but rest was original) but I had to piss all the time and since me playing the game in the dream placed me inside the game I always had to find bathrooms in the game to piss in
Then my wife had to go for a while, and I met up with a feiend of mine and we went to the mall, but again, had to piss all the time so I

| needed to strategically go to the different bathrooms there
Then I was gonna go to that friends house but my mom and sister came by and said they'd just made some really good food at home, so I made the plan to go with them first and then to that friends place
While waiting in the buss terminal, had to piss like constantly again
Then I hung out with some people there and talked, cause it was kinda like a small food place, but discovered by titties had been hanging out the entire

| time I was talking to people, but at least they just kinda ignored that fact which was nice
Then I had to piss again
A boat came at the end of the dock that was somehow connected to this place, and that's what we had to take to get there
So I timed my pissing perfectly so I'd be able to cross the dock without pissing myself
I got across the dock and there was a long as wooden rope bridge to cross to get to that ferry for some reason
So I made my way across, and then I had to piss

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1698238639

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