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Does soldiers know they will die?

| Let's imagine you are Ukrainian or Russian going to fight, and are they realise they may won't survive next year? I understand Wagner group tbh. but not clearly others.

| they don't have a choice, they are conscripts.

| I know that you will fucking die if you keep asking stupid questions

| soldiers don’t know they will die. They are convinced by their commanders into believing they will respawn like in the cod games.

| The soldiers who believe they are already dead are the ones that will survive.
It's a weird paradox, as far as combat goes.

| Why afraid death?

| Do you know you will die?

| I know I could die on my way to work, yet I still step out the door.
It's just about how much motivation overrides your hesitancy. Motivation through hate, fear of punishment, love for your country, loyalty to your family.
A lot of things makes people risk it all.

| I bet you will likely think everything will be fine with you and your comrades, and you all will win. It's reality denying that keeps you going.

| >>981817 True but when the attck begins they're literally sending waves of soldier on the frontline just to die, in order to reduce ennemi ammunition. While the special forces are free and kill the trench at night before the attack.

| >>981790 yes shooting at other humans and being shot back at will make you realize it real quick if you didn't before

For Ukraine it's a matter of defending their homes and family, Russia has shown they will just kill civilians if they take over an area

For Russians they either fight or the people holding the line behind them will shoot them for deserting

| Brrrggghhh... Political

| >>982149 lmao. Russians also eat children to gain strength. you knew?

>Moderators, close this thread. This is random channel, not politics.

| >>982215
fuck off, vatnik scum

| >>982263 what's the difference in propaganda from vatniks and porpaganda from ukrops?>>982149 this post is clearly made by someone who either tries to convince people into believing in dubious matters, or who is stupid enough to believe in propaganda, told by Ukranian and/or American propaganda.

Also the op never mentioned any concrete conflict, so why.

| >>982266
no ones buying what you're selling, vatnik scum. you lie, like always, and you're bad at it.

| >>982270 yeah ok you're inadequate

| Bruh ok the op literally mentioned the current conflict, my bad. Anyway >>70d9a1 you go live with your own toxcity. No one asked btw.

| Will agree with >>f70619. Firstly, OP asked about wars in a whole, not the exactly Ukrainian conflict. If someone goes to war, they are mentally ill or doesn't have other choice (as Russians who goes to war because of big payment, or Ukrainians who called up for military service (not by their free choice, and totally not to "defend their family and houses", lol)).

War sucks, both civilians sides understand that. Your aggressive speech isn't "saves" anyone.

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1698234170

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