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Stop protecting the children!

| I thought we agreed that "protect the children" is a meme used to pass censorship laws.

Now suddenly everyone can't see an adult interacting with children without having a stroke.

This needs to stop. Stop protecting the those lil bastards. They are gonna grow up into disappointments either way!

| I'm not saying your wrong.
I am saying that you saying that makes you sound like a pedo.

| Think of the children has always been a conservative moral panic talking point to dehumanize LGBTQ people, scapegoat out groups, ban materials that go against their worldview and an attempt to enforce religious puritanism upon the world along with treating children like property rather than human beings with rights.

Also parents rights is closely tied with this talking point and is another way to enable child abuse and control.

| Through on another note I do think we should not allow minors to have free reign in adult spaces since its bad for both groups such as putting children in dangerous situations and risking getting adults into serious trouble.

Internet needs more kids spaces again like it did years ago.

| Protect the children from conservatives

| YEAH! Fuck the children! as in using our adult cock to make them know their damn place! Dare looking down on adult with their kiddy pussy?! Damn brat! us adults will show you how scary real society respecting adult can be uooh

| >>978261 idgi, these mfs insist on parents being owners of their children when half their ideology is about the same children being property of the state
schizo bullshit

| All Children Must Cross The 8-Lane Highway As A Rite Of Passage

| >>978262 100% agree bring back club penguin

| >>978262
Kids should just not be on the internet.

| >>978261 in my humble opinion, yes you have a point, the right does indeed use the "think of the children!" as a scapegoat, but I think the left does it too.
So what should we do?.. maybe OP is right onto something...

| >>978259 please stop the pedo paranoia and the pedo witch hunting, we already have too much of that

| Uohh... Raper correction needed....

| >>978323
you are a pedo

| bratty thread in need of lock correction

| I think it's just a case of media icons being more accessible. It's not nicolodeon anymore, it's a guy like toby fox and you can dm him your shitty sans fanfic and get a response.

Where as before it would probably be at some convention in a public setting.

This is just gonna keep happening unless there is more oversight for online interactions, like some chinese citizen ID to use discord type shit.

| >>978337 g/u/rl I literally just told you to stop the pedo hunt!1!1!!

| >>978383
which is exactly what a pedo would say!

| >>978359
That kind of oversight is just impractical. Nevermind that it's the responsibility of parents.

Just ban children from the internet.

| >>978480 I grow up with the internet as a kid and I turned out fine

| >>978521 you're posting on /u/

| >>978526 most of us prob r more mentally healthy than ppl who use sm

| >>978531 cope more

| The "real" world itself is hostile to children, the internet won't be any friendlier.

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1696581926

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