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Buggy humans

| When I do weed and my blood pressure drops I go into tachycardia. Prevents me from sleeping even if I take a little.

I assume it's a false positive or some shit where my brain thinks it's gg so it sends a signal to rev my shit up to 120 bpm, though it feels like way more.
>I'm gonna quit and stick liver murder

What part of yo/u/ did God give up on halfway through?

| My (fucking awful, lead-poisoned) memory and my crippling autism that gave me social anxiety.

| Cannabis will do that to you if you have low blood pressure or high blood pressure prior to smoking. Might be time for a checkup?

Make sure to drink enough water before going to sleep because dehydration can also cause tachycardia.

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1695986705

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