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| why do i have to be so tall i feel so awkward moving around i wish i could be small like the other girls ughhh

| i want to see a heighthons vs shortcels death battle

| migits vs lanklets. also known as tree stubs and braches or sticks and stones

| >>977395 upon further reflection, the fact I can type both these words into one legible sentence has finally proven to me that I'm too far gone. I will now be committing suicide.

| How tall exactly?

| I want to steal your height, but I will settle for buying it off you

| >>977407 like 190cm

| >>977427 pls do i feel like everyones looking at me when i walk. mma is the only thing that doesnt make me feel stiff and weird

| >>977430
I'll kabedon you until your knees are weak and you sink to a cuter height~

| >>977428 nice, are you fit by any chance?
If you feel bad about your height you can use it to make insecure manlets seethe

| i love being 6 feet tall actually

| I'm 185cm and used to be really insecure about it too, but my life got a lot better once I stopped giving a shit and started wearing high heels.

| I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller

| I wish be shota in femdom manga~

| hnnnnng big girls are my weaknessss hngngngng

| >>977476

amazon life rules

| I just wish I was dead.

| live yourself

| >>977476 thanks for the kind words g/u/rl

| Cut your legs and make yourself shorter

| >>978085 this is actually a thing you can get surgery for btw

| Tall gurl is cute af wtf are you talking about

| >>978112 its a pretty severe surgery that can likely cripple you but ye

| Mommy

| How short would you like to be?

| I know a girl who can suck the height out of you, but she's straight

| good because im a ftm

| >>978112 wasnt there some crazy dude who got surgery to be taller lol

| >chop legs
>chop head
pick one and only one

| >>978468
>chop suey

| >>978468 my head is doo doo tiny that wouldnt make me shorter

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1696604246

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