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are any of you real




| No. This is all on your head.

| None of it is real.

| I don't really think I am but I know that you are :)


| i know you are butt what am i


| We are 3, other are bots

| Like the funny fox man would say its just “all in le head”

| It's all in your head.
And you don't seem to understand ♪♪

| there are only 3 people on this site gurl, that's canon

| >>977121 so its real then, just only 3 real

| If this is not real, then where the hell are my catgirls

| >>977157 they don't exist king, move on.

| >>977022 ur mom is real! lololol

| No one here is real. Not even you <3

| No one here isreal. Not even jew x3

| you're not real and you need to wake up

| wake up wake up wake up wake up

| I'm real

| you're stuck in your cycles of guilt

| if i was accused of bein the realest mf ever. id be guiltier than a certified criminal

| >>977626
on top of that my legs also hurt

| >>977632 what a mood gurl

| god i wish i was real

| I am. Buy you? Hahaha, well...

| >>977871 I'd buy OP for a dollar

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1696251884

This thread is permanently archived