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where's a g/u/rl to go?

| neocities is dead, gopher is dead, gemini is dead, was all of this web revivalism just crap?

| Lets revive the interwebz with forks of danger/u/

| irc and i2p have been pretty cozy. Even discord has been pretty fun as long as you stay in close friend groups!

| It's sad... Really sad.

| its a g/u/ys world. get used to it bub. idk where yous to go. but the internet aint it. try a salon or something

| >>973510 or forums for girls' games. The Sims or League of Legends as an example.

| League of legends is not a girl game, unless the girl in question is retarded then ya

| Never thought I'd live old enough to watch everything I love crumble to dust

| >>973528 lol, I always thought that for the retarded it was counter-strike and Dota..

| >>973377 what do you mean dead neocities is still up

| >>973510 they're are not g/u/ys on the Internet everyone knows that

| >>973838
'up' and 'alive' are completely separate bars to clear

| >>973850 there isnt really an incentive to revisit neocities websites other than checking the occasional blog update

| >>973382 throw some servers/channels bubs. time to reinstall the ol hexchat

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1694472969

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