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American weebs weird me out

| Most of us non-american weebs understand that Japan and Western cultures are practically polar opposites. But most americans also assume the whole world is part of america, therefore being inherently unable to comprehend that other cultures don't exist solely for the memes. Hence american weebs came up with some of the weirdest west-east mish-mash of internet humor that I can't even begin explaining to my asian ancestors. How do I cope with this?

| wait are you chink, kong or a ninja? It's pretty important

| >>972651 Examples?

| >>972656 kris chan

| >But most americans also assume the whole world is part of america
never understood this being a stereotype

| >>972667
i mean they act like it

| guess i'm underestimating how stupid the average american is.

| >>972657
Chris-chan is a literal autist, are you just complaining about autistics then?

| >>972656 he is just one mentally ill faggot, pretty much the same for the members of the alphabet cult.

| >>972657 meant to

| Say them:
And they will understand it

| It's not just Americans but I get what you mean. There's a higher level of entitlement and that leads to the assumption that everything is made for you. Speak American and all that.

For example the weeb cringe is mostly an American export. European weebs are the ghouls from vampire bloodlines.

| >>972651 SEA here, the way you are being ignorant about weeb all over the world and just think that only american weeb mix their culture with japanese culture, turns you into stereotipical american.

We have a special term to call religious people (especially muslim) who are into weeb culture here. The cringe posts ranging from headcanon about anime character x represents phropet x or politician x; to drawing anime characters in muslim attire.

| What's the term then ?>>972778

| >>972680 why are you american?

| >>972778
Pretty sure you're arguing with chatGPT there. These reddit/4chan style threads started popping up en masse at the same time >>834369 got unlocked and a troll farm got called on us.

Half of the replies aren't even about the threads, just disconnected propaganda/hate dumped in.

| >>972680 that sentence is so retarded i feel second hand embarrassment for you

| lmao

| >>973021 I am proud for you that you have second hand

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1694204649

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