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Drink Alone.

| I often hear that drinking alcohol alone is condemned. No one approves of this and it's a shame.
But if I am physically alone, sitting in front of a computer, but there are people on the other side of the monitor, is it considered that I drink in a company? For example if I play games with friends and drink beer. Or am I drunk walking in vrchat.
Or am I just consoling myself?

| >caring about social norms
one of many reasons why people kill themselves
drink as much as you want fam, you're an adult and can regulate your own substance intake

| The only thing worse than drinking alone is not drinking

| binge drinking alone is generally considered a bad relationship with alchahol, like unhealthy. but like having a beer or two by yourself is kind of whatever imo

| one of my best mentors like ti spend an evening with a beer and sorting screws and stuff cleaning up his woodshop

| OP, do you ever get drunk while you're drinking alone or what?

| >>972270 Yes, I'm losing my sense of proportion. As a result, I sit evening and night, chatting online and pouring one can of beer by one into myself. Until I am knocked out to sleep...Eh.

| Dick alone

| >>972338
Why would anyone approve of this lifestyle lol

| >>972361 its not halal Allah will serve your just punishment

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1693877873

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