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smash patriarchy

| force fem all men

| Who will do that? women? Other men?

| us, women

| Why threaten them with a good time?

| >>972110 because it scares some of them, we need to show them it's not scary or bad to be fem

| i am for this

| Weak fantasy, you should wish to get rid of all males and live in a woman/female(XX) only world.

| >>972156 transmuting all men.into women necessarily means removing all men

| >>972111 you get it

| >>972156 when will it be possible to remotely achieve that goal?

| >>972156 when will it be possible to remotely achieve that goal?

| Smash pussy

| based

| ..and i am pussy, the destroyer of cocks

| I am scissor

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1694129405

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