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I don't know what ama is, ama


| Why did you not Google ama before posting

| >>971944 I prefer duckduckgo

| Did you find out what ama means?

| Ask my ass

| >>971953 Is it "ask my ass"?

| feet

| >>971959 does your ass know?

| ama? a mutilated appendage. everyone knows that. literally everyone has one on this siteorino

| what's knowing?

| >>971971 Maybe it does, but it rarely talks to me

| >>971992 I guess knowing is when you consider a belief about the world as something that has a high probability of being true. Unfortunately, the probability is never 0 or 100, so technically we don't know anything.

| >>972020 you do know your own thoughts with 100% certainty at least so there's one thing

| >>972028 no, there is always a chance that I live in a dream or whatever. It is small but still not zero, so...

| Once I had a nightmare. I knew it was not real, so I tried to wake up. However, no matter how hard I tried, each time I woke up in another nightmare that I knew was not real. I wanted to wake up but couldn't. Even killing myself didn't work. I thought that I was trapped there forever.

| >>972038 skill issue

| >>972042 well, I woke up in the end, right?


| hmm

| I love sex

| >>972037 you can't know if you're thoughts are correct but you do know them

| Wrong your, I blame Swype/auto correct

| >>972126 yeah, I am not saying that I don't have any thoughts. I am saying that I can't disprove the possibility that my own experience is a lie.

| Cool, right? It is called probatio diabolica or whatever.

| Also, Descartes doesn't really make sense either. "I think therefore I am". What is thinking? Having thoughts. What is "I think therefore I am"? It is a thought!

So, we can translate this to "The thought that I have thoughts is a proof of my existence". What is the opposite of that? "Lack of thoughts means non-existence". That is simply not true. A rock doesn't think but it exists, right? So, having thoughts and existing are two separate things.

| I am fun at parties

| >>972176 my id changed I was continuing>>972028 >>972037

I think I didn't word things well

I was mostly nit picking >>972020 "technically we don't know anything"
By saying that you are 100% certain about whatever thought you have, irrespective of the correctness of the contents of that thought

Even if you're a brain in a vat you can't be wrong about what you're thought is, if that makes sense even if that thought itself is wrong

| >>972049 pro tip if you want to ever control your dreams (lucid dreaming) just start reading something. a sign, a paper, a book, anything

| >>972178 rocks dont exist. you dont have any proof rocks exist. you might believe your are seeing a rock but you cant ever be sure its really there. after all, what if you are dreaming a rock

| >>972180 but how do I prove to myself that I have thoughts? Is that even possible? Is personal experience enough to say something with 100% certainty?

| >>972218 I tried reading your post and I wished a cute goth gf. It worked! Thanks!

| >>972254 so you are thinking that thinking and existing is the same thing, right? I am leaning towards a separation of thinking and existing. I don't have any proof though.

| >>972295 wished for*

| have you try sex before?

| >>972314 no, I am a virgin. Is it that visible?

| What's your thoughts on sex dolls?

| >>972321 I think they are dangerous because you can give up on women entirely. I am not that desperate at the moment.

| >>7b92e3 when will you be that desperate

| >>972353 after 35 years without sex

| >>972354 how old r u

| >>972385 25

Total number of posts: 40, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1693891042

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