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i would give almost anything

| for someone to hold me

| Move your ass to a danger/u/ meetup would be an easy way

| I want to avoid it honestly. I'll just break down immediately and start crying.

| A few years ago when I was isolated and didn't get out much my feelings of loneliness manifested themselves physically in the form of constantly freezing thighs. Even taking scolding hot showers didn't help. Freezing even though you're submerged in hot water is an odd sensation fo' sure.

| *holds anon close and kisses the top of their head* You are loved anon uwu☆ *gently caresses your hair while squeezing you softly* I love you ♡

| I'll hold you if you take a shower

| I'll hold you in the shower, wash your back, shampoo your hair and tell you you're a good g/u/rl

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1692623260

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