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You all like sex? I thought it was a joke

| I really can't conceive how anyone would want to get their intimates sloppy and messy.

I don't want any boy cooties.

If I wanted to feel good I can use my fingers.

I like dating, and relationships, and making out but sex doesn't even feel like a real thing

| It's honestly not that big of a deal, sex has been around since the first bacterias on this planet discovered they could swap genes to reproduce. It's an important part of nature and we're not the only creatures that derive sexual pleasure from mating. If it's the "mess" that bothers you, I've got some info. When you are having sex your body temp increases quite a bit, to the point where you actually kill off harmful bacteria and viruses inside and outside of you, sex is healthy.

| i must say, sex is quite scary...

| >>968933 it is... The risks and stuff... And just overall having to depend on your partner and worrying about pleasing them.

It's a lot of work for something that can't possibly feel that good.

| sex is honestly garbo
t. sex-negative ace gang

| I've never had sex and I'm too scared to get that vulnerable with someone. I've never met anyone I liked enough to stop being paranoid they'll lock me in a cellar or cut me up.

| Tbh getting locked in a cellar and bit cut up sounds like fun Thursday

| >>969060
sex seems like sorcery

| >>969071 Getting locked up and cut sounds hot, unlike sex

| >>229ff5
I worry about you g/u/rls...

| I hate sex

| I love sex.

| sex is okay i guess

| sex loves me

| I love you

| I am sex

| Theg

| I sex hate

| Sex hate you me love do be do be doo

| sex me I sex love sex me hate

| >>6d7767 real shit. There's this side of me wanting to fuck someone in the ass and there's this side of me where i am scared into not doing it anymore

If only i was taught about sex ed much more at a young a...

| Have y'all never had good sex??

| >>969726 i have good sex now but when i was growing up all the sex i had was bad and mostly painful. it took a long time before i wasn't scared of it. sex is pretty difficult, especially because i've only had sex with people with the same genitals as me. the pleasure is still not worth it to me, although i like the emotional closeness of sex. i feel like i was set up to fail at sex by a sex ed system that is focused on making kids not have sex rather than teaching them anything

| useful about sex. i know all sorts of shit about STDs and pregnancy risks now but ive never had sex with anyone i could get an std from or pregnant with. i didn't learn what you actually DO when you have gay sex until i had already done it poorly a few times. so it took until i was in my twenties before i was having enjoyable sex because i avoided it until then.

tldr american sex ed sucks

| >>969726 yes

| yall dan gay rus dont neva lern

| >>df307f
Damn. That's rough. Ig I was just lucky that my first time was with an experienced g/u/rl. I've never had to deal with any pain or nothing
We got slightly better sex ed where I'm at, but none of it actually applied for me lol

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1692393058

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