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Where are the cute boys?

| I know boys don't exist on danger/u/ so where are they??

| In my basement I’m hiding all of them from you

| i wish i had a cute twink bf

| In Krusty Krab

| Either at the basketball court or cubicle

| Well if they aren't on the internet, it stands to reason that they're all IRL. :'(

| >>968026
So I have to leave the computer to meet boys? Fat chance. They might as well be on the moon...

| >>968034 you can do it g/u/rl! getting off the computer sucks, but it's worth it for the bussy

| the cute guys are on lain ch and not this spinoff

| >>968680 everyone knows there are no boys on the internet silly don't get her hopes up

| status report: i am a fluffy hair femboy :3

| I ate a couple of them. I will eat more.

| >>4a1f55
Pecs or gtfo

| >>968695 Oooh! I have floody hair aswell! Wanna comb eachother's hair? :3

| Floofy... so floofy.

| >>968695 god i wish /u/ femboys were real

| >>968704 did they taste good?

| >>968597
tried and didn't succeed. will try again next weekend. had fun though.

| >>968767 anyone who uses :3 unironically is a femboy/twink from what i've seen on various discord servers

| Boy pussy aint even that good

| where have all the cute boys gone?
and where are all the gods?

| >>968865 sometimes it aint even about the bussy tho sometimes its all about the cock

| >>968866 where are all the blahaj cuddlers to fight the rising odds?

| update!!! a cute boy said they'd sit on my lap!!!

| >>968941 literally sobbing and doing the eva congratulations gif you did it QwQ

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1691950007

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