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Paint store loser back with one more.

| Hey, paint store worker again. Same co worker same stupid brain dead comments. We are talking about his buying habits and how he often buys shit that imports from China, when he drops this bomb " well not everything. I but from Australia which is part of the US" mind you that this man is 23. And about to get his masters in math. How does anyone end up this fucking stupid.

| Do you like him?

| I kinda recognise ya. Got a link or something to refresh my mind about your coworker's dumbassery?

| We all get really bored talk about anything that comes to mind

| That or what paints we think would taste the best.
I say milastic 15. Name sounds good

| He has also gotten some sun sleeves from China and " I coulda sworn I got the ones from Taiwan. I wanted those ones cuz I'm sure they have malaria" What does that mean????? what does that mean????

| he's mindfucking you

| he's actually not stupid, just dropping his crazy based takes on geopolitics and cultural imperialism

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1689985591

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