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What are you eating?

| Post what you're eating right now, I'll start:

A very ripe banana, it's extra sweet

| your thyroid, it's very chewy

| im eating blyaat! rn

| pussy

| Nothing counts?

| >>964544 eating nothing is the assumed state much of the time but you're welcome to make it known I guess

| I'm drinking coffee without sugar

| A blueberry bagel with peanut butter on it

| beans

| everything bagel with onion and chive cream cheese

| >>964574
that sounds so fucking good

| Slurp semen from Pomu's pussy

| My own skin

| I'm eating perfectly normal food that I purchased with legal tender as a perfectly normal food customer.

| >>964827 cumstomer

| Cum

| Mint M&Ms

| my gfs nachos

| Rye bread

| Curry

| oat porridge and dark chocolate for desert

| the souls of the damned .................

| >>964983
how's it taste

| Just had some butter chicken with naan.

I bet they taste like charcoal.

| Poosees

| Leftover Korean Barbeque

| charcoal-rean barbeque

| burg

| a stale bagel

| Buckwheat soup

| I wanted to eat eggs but I'm sick and can't go out. It's just porridge today...

| Huel cinnamon roll flavor

| I'm selling organs on the stock market, want some? I've heard that ITC has quality organs right now that are extra tasty. The ratings for their products have been off the charts! I've got a few ITC organs for sale if you want a taste test.

| twas eatin some sausage, macaroni, mashed potatoes topped off with some bbq sauce

| ribeye steak, salad and roasted potatoes

| boiled egg

| cake

| beeru!~

| gonna grill homemade takiyaki skwerers and drink beer

| "shkwewrers"

| several bananas

| potato chip :)

| farts

| gvdl pgg bopo!

| braised short rib

| Eggs and sausages

| Not eating yet but currently making tomato soup with spaghetti

| toasted PB&J

| nuts, raisins and diet coke

| I don't

| buddhism

| Baked cheese with sauce tartare, with a pint of light beer.

| Eating a roasted chicken salad with honey-mustard dressing. Fucking delimsh

| Ща буду шаверму хавать

| I'd eat you, if you know what I mean

| eggplant parmesean

| good way to find out how many ppl still use dangeru gurl

| Had a BBQ, so I ate an assortment of various meats together with a salad.

| chips and salsa

| a hamborgor

| also a hamborgor


| Иiggers

| Lasagna

| Straciatella with Kölln Schoko-Keks-Müsli mixed into it or you know.. coom.

| >>967693 Sperma trinken ist deine Geschäft

| cheese crackers

| Chinese dumplings

Total number of posts: 68, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1691644896

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