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| .... still, since the 1950s. Peace treaty was never signed. I was station in korea. Do you think i should qualify for a korean war vet cap? They told me at the v.a. i couldn't and had to settle for the Iraq war vet hat. But that one looks lame. I WANT THE COOL ONE THAT SAYS KOREA ON IT.

| alot of the american larpers in a milsim game i play have a korean patch after some girls put it on their vest

| North Korea doesn't exist. It was made up to justify heavy military presence to enclose the region north of South Korea. There will never be a peace treaty because the horrors unleashed there, the unthinking flesh there, it does not reason, only lash out. And may God help us there are chinese and US guns pointed at it when it does.

| I mean North Korea exists. It just kinda functions like a Soviet satellite state, except for China. Serves as a buffer of sorts. Hell back during the Korean War when the Americans pushed too far into North Korea to the Chinese border was when China butted in for that very reason.

| Still though the atrocities that happen there are horrible to think that it's allowed to exist as it does.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1689837156

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