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Nothing interest me no more

| Title speaks for itself. I used to have many hobbies; Reading, gaming, travelling, cycling etc etc. Since I began my bachelor on the university I was most enthousiastic about nothing interest me anymore. University was a dissappointment and I left a few months ago, still got my credits tho but havent applied myself to any other bachelors/courses. I just spend my time minding my own business, sometimes reading something online but merely just existing.

| Me or virtual venting to favourite persln who is nice to me

| Sounds like you are pretty classically depressed there gurl. Sort that shit out.

| Yep, sounds like depression. I'd tell you to go to therapy, op, but if you can't, you can at least talk more about your problem here.

Like, what happened in university, g/u/rl? Why did you stop doing any of those hobbies? What's stopping you from doing them again?

| >but merely just existing.
sounds pretty cool. I want to use that phrase on my self.

| Based iru lifeform

| Cringebooru lifeless

| wild

| try sex

| I love sex

| try gay sex

| Have sex and have fun.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1689819457

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