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How 2 burg?

| I am feeling the sound of green but my teeth don't vibrate like they used to, any known fixes to this problem? :/

| Burgar (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠)

| there are no fixes

| Try calling your teeth. Maybe they just stopped vibrating because people stopped calling

| have you tried asking a hydraulic about it?

| >>7a6ef8 I tried but they just say it's an issue with my antenna, I've never had an antenna... ;-;

| eat a candle to balance your chakras

| >>564fcf it kinda worked? Feels different now though, how do I change the frequency? :/

| Angry burg

| >>963825 you need to sudo su your microwave, the frequency change instructions will be saved on your user folder

| >>964051
It worked!! Now I can listen to REAL ROCK FM from the comfort of my own mouth!! Tysm!! <3

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1689440597

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